CD Sonhos

available at ATS-Records, iTunes, CD Baby


Eu sonhei com você



Saturday morning at the coffee shop

Para Eliane

9 - 11


Michael Kneihs comp., arr., piano/keyboard on all tracks

Milena und Simon Dörfler

Joris Dudli

Maria Frodl

Thomas Kugi

Markus Leinholz

Alejandro Loguercio

Luis Ribeiro

Ronaldo "Gringo" Saggiorato

Dana Tupinambá

The pieces on this CD have a few things in common: They are individual pieces, not written for one particular band or one occasion. They are not in the "straight ahead" of my bands of the last years, but show a different side of myself, more melodic, emotional. Most of the music is inspired by Brazilian music, which I have been loving since I was 18 years old. Some of the compositions are old, the oldest one about 20 years. I have recorded, mixed and mastered all the music on this CD in the course of the last years in my own studio.

Die Stücke auf dieser CD haben einiges gemeinsam: Es sind Einzelstücke, nicht für eine bestimmte Band oder einen bestimmten Anlass geschrieben. Sie sind nicht in dem "Straight Ahead" Jazz - Stil, in dem meine Bands der letzten Jahre gespielt haben, sondern zeigen eine andere, melodiösere, emotionalere Seite von mir. Die meisten sind von brasilianischer Musik inspiriert, zu der ich eine besondere Beziehung habe seit ich 18 Jahre alt bin. Einige Kompositionen sind schon sehr alt, die älteste ca. 20 Jahre. Ich habe sie im Lauf der letzten Jahre in meinem Studio selbst aufgenommen, gemischt und gemastert.

Recorded, mixed, mastered between 2009 and 2015 by Michael Kneihs @ Village Studio

Photographs and graphic design by Yuki Iwaoka

ATS Records CD 0852

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Thomas Kugi, clarinet

Alejandro Loguercio, violin

Ronaldo Saggiorato, bass

Luis Ribeiro, percussion

Ein Choro, den ich erstmals in einem Programm mit Lena Rothstein eingesetzt habe, das der französischen Chansonsängerin Barbara gewidmet war.

I first used this chorinho as an interlude in a program with Lena Rothstein, dedicated to the great French chanson singer Barbara.

Um choro, primeiramente introduzido por mim em um programa com Lena Rothstein, dedicado à grande cantora francesa de chanson, Barbara.

Eu sonhei com voçê

Dana Tupinamba, vocals

Dieses Stück ist mir tatsächlich im Traum eingefallen, nur ein paar Details musste ich noch ausarbeiten. Der Rest war einfach da.

This tune actually did come to my mind in a dream. When I woke up it was just there. I only had to work out a few details.

Eu concebi esta peça durante um sonho. Tive que fazer somente alguns acertos. De fato ela já estava pronta.


Markus Leinholz, flute

Maria Frodl, cello

Ronaldo Saggiorato, bass

Luis Ribeiro, percussion

2005 habe ich mit der Familie teilweise in Marseille verbracht, und aus unserem Fenster konnten wir einen Berg sehen, der den Namen "l'étoile" ("der Stern") trägt.

In 2005 my family and I lived in Marseille for half a year. From our window we could see a mountain called "l'Étoile". ("the Star")

Em 2005 eu e minha família vivemos em Marseille por meio ano e, da janela de nossa casa, podíamos ver uma montanha chamada "l’Étoile", a Estrela.


Maria Frodl, cello

Wollte ich ursprünglich für Akkordeon schreiben, aber dieses Arrangement mit Cello und Klavier hat mir dann am besten gefallen.

At first I wanted to write this piece for accordion, but finally I liked this arrangement for cello and piano.

Em um primeiro momento, eu quis escrever esta peça para acordeão, contudo o arranjo para violoncelo e piano me agradou mais.

Saturday morning at the coffee shop

Thomas Kugi, saxophones

Ronaldo Saggiorato, bass

Joris Dudli, drums

"Coffee Shop" heißt ein Lokal am Union Square in Manhattan/New York. Ende der 1990er Jahre gab es dort immer am Samstag Vormittag brasilianische Livemusik zu hören. Die Ideen zu diesem Stück entstanden an einem Samstag Nachmittag am Weg nach Hause.

"Coffee Shop" is the name of a place on Union Square in Manhattan. In the late 1990s you could listen to Brazilian live music there every Saturday morning. The ideas to this piece came to my mind on my way home one Saturday afternoon.

"Coffee Shop" é o nome de uma cafeteria na Union Square em Manhattan. No final dos anos 90, podia-se ouvir música brasileira ao vivo em todas as manhãs de sábado. E em uma tarde de sábado, as idéias para esta peça surgiram a caminho de casa.

Para Eliane

Michael Kneihs on 2 pianos

Eliane Elias hat 1997 ein Album eingespielt mit dem Namen "The Three Americas", in dem sie die Musik Brasiliens, der Karibik sowie nordamerikanischen Jazz zusammen bringt. Ihr ist dieses Stück von mir gewidmet.

In 1997 Eliane Elias recorded an album called "The Three Americas", in which she brings together the music of Brazil, the Caribbean and North American jazz. This piece is dedicated to her.

Eliane Elias gravou o álbum "The Three Americas" em 1997, em que ela reúne música brasileira, caribenha e o Jazz norte-americano. Eu dediquei este número a ela.

9 - 11

unaccompanied piano

Hat nichts mit dem Terroranschlag zu tun - aber der Rhythmus wechselt zwischen 9 und 11 Achteltakt.

The title doesn't refer to the terrorist attacks but to the rhythm, which changes between nine-eight and eleven-eight time.

O título não refere-se ao ataque terrorista, mas ao rítmo que muda entre nove e onze por oito.


Markus Leinholz, flute

Alejandro Loguercio, violin

Ronaldo Saggiorato, bass

Luis Ribeiro, percussion

Milena & Simon Dörfler, vocals

Ich habe versucht, am Klavier die Begleitakkorde wie ein Cavaquinho zu spielen, ein Instrument, das mich schon lange fasziniert! Ich glaube nicht, dass dieser Dreiviertel-Rhythmus ein authentischer brasilianischer Stil ist, aber ich fand, dass er gut klingt. Meine Kinder waren zur Zeit dieser Aufnahme 7 und 9 Jahre alt und stolz, mitzuwirken.

I found a way to play the accompanying chords on the piano like a cavaquinho, an instrument I have been fascinated by. I don't think this three-four rhythm is an authentic Brazilian style, but I liked it and I think it works well. My kids were 7 and 9 years old at the time of this recording, and proud to participate.

No piano, eu tentei tocar os acordes de acompanhamento como quem toca um cavaquinho, um instrumento de cordas que há muito me fascina. Não acredito que este rítmo três por quatro seja um autêntico rítmo brasileiro, no entanto eu gostei do resultado. Na época meus filhos tinham 7 e 9 anos e ficaram orgulhosos de terem participado desta gravação.

portuguese translation: Claudia Machado

Special Thanks to: my family, Marta Nalecz, Claudia Machado, Johann Kneihs, Hans Kneihs